Study for a CTM Instrument

The Nature of Water
3-channel sound installation
Year: 2022
The Nature of Water is an attempt, through a collaboration with a scientific CTD instrument and an infinite number of water molecules, to make the state of the river Norrtäljeån audible. Earth’s water is made up of the same water molecules that have existed since the beginning of time. The Nature of Water consists of measurements of the temperature, salinity and depth of the river Norrtäljeån: the three elements that make up the properties of water. This was carried out using a CTD instrument that measures conductivity (also known as salinity), temperature and depth. The information about the river was translated into three tones that change pitch in proportion to the measured data from different locations along the river. At a precise time every minute, the piece formed a shifting triad that makes the changing nature of water audible and transformed it into a subtle sonic mark in the center of the city of Norrtälje.
Norrtälje konsthall, Konst i ån, Norrtälje, Sweden.
Information here.